It was a pleasure to present for the AWEA-O&M and Safety Seminar for the fourth consecutive year. Everything was first cabin, as usual and Hotel Del Coronado was a delightful location for the conference.
Another power conference requested a presentation on Cost Effective Excellence in the context of sling and rigging activities. For thirty-three years I have presented a simple message: rig right to go home at night.
I was informed prior to the other conference that while my message on sling and rigging safety was greatly appreciated, my presentation should really focus on cost saving measures. The need for efficient operations is now more important than ever.
One of the worst accidents in the history of the rigging world occurred on 2012 Easter Sunday morning. Two deaths, multiple injuries and BILLIONS of dollars in damages occurred after a scheduled maintenance operation went wrong and a 550 ton plant component was dropped.
Cost Effective Excellence is NOT Dropping Loads presented specific steps to employ for a substantial return on investment. If you are interested in saving hundreds of thousands of dollars, while protecting lives, limbs and property, our presentation provided the basis for attaining that objective.
Our presentation will enable you to stop throwing hard earned money away as a dollar saved is just as important as the dollar earned.
Contact me to arrange for your presentation of Cost Effective Excellence is NOT Dropping Loads and receive the platform to provide awareness, action and effective techniques to prevent accidents and save money.
Michael J. Gelskey, Sr.
Chief Executive Officer