Information - G-Link Connectors
Information - G-Link Connectors
Using one G-Link™ on each sling (two total), this connection has a rated choker capacity of one G-Link™.
Using two G-Links™ on each sling (four total), this connection has the rated hoker capacity of two G Links™.
Place G-Links™ with the open arms facing in the same direction and the round sides of the arms as shown. Put the slings through the closed slot of the G-Links™. Connect sling loops over the open arms.
Pull slings tight. Make sure flat sides of G-Links™ are against each other. Take slack out of the connection before use.
To make a stronger Two Sling Connection, use two G-Links™ on each sling as shown. Place flat sides of each pair of G-Links™ against each other. The half round reinforcement bars must be on opposite sides of the open arms. Attach both sling loops to the open arms of both pairs of G-Links™.
Pull slings tight. Make sure the slack is taken out of the connection before use.
Put two G-Links™ on sling with flat sides together.
Always use two G-Links™ for this hitch.
Two G-Links™ will have the rated capacity of one G-Link™ when used this way.
Attach sling loop to G-Links™ as shown. Always use two G-Links™ for the Sliding Choker Hitch.
The angle of the legs affects the strength of the bridle. Determine the reduced Bridle Work Load Limit (WLL) at the angle of use. 60° Horizontal Angle Reduces Work Load Limit 15%. 45° Horizontal Angle Reduces Work Load Limit 30%. 30° Horizontal Angle Reduces Work Load Limit 50%.
TWO SLING CONNECTION See previous instructions for Two Sling connections. Make sure the inside of the Ring and Hooks are free from all damaging surfaces and edges. Make sure Rings and Hooks are of the proper size for the slings and the load.
G-LINKS™ TOP AND BOTTOM See previous instructions for Rings and Hooks. The inside area of Rings and Hooks must be of the proper size and free from all damaging surfaces and edges. When connecting two G-Links™ to a Ring put them on opposite sides of the Ring, they will fit better.
A single, wider G-Link™ at the top accommodates the width of both slings. Individual G-Links™ are placed at the bottom of each leg. See previous instructions for Ring and Hook connections. Top Link(s) must be wide enough and have proper rated capacity to accommodate both slings.