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Adjustable Rope Slings Considerations



Avoid all abrasive conditions. Adjustable Rope Slings may be severely damaged if subjected to rough surfaces or damaging edges. Lifting hardware and attachment points must be maintained in good condition and kept free of burrs and rust. Do not drag Adjustable Rope Slings over the floor, ground or over rough surfaces. Dirt and grit can work into the strands, damaging the internal fibers. Look closely at both the inner and outer fibers. When either is worn the rope is weakened. Open the strands and inspect for powdered fiber, indicating internal wear. Examine the internal wear to estimate total fiber loss. Protect slings from cutting and abrasion with sling protection that is the correct size and type. Refer to Sling Info Sheet.


Avoid exposing Adjustable Rope Slings to damaging chemicals. Take into consideration: chemical exposure, such as solvents, acids, alkalis or where fumes, vapors or mists are present. Consult us prior to purchase or use.


With use, all rope slings become dirty. Areas of discoloration may also indicate chemical damage. Determine the cause of the discoloration and if chemical degradation has occurred, remove the sling from service.


Adjustable Rope Slings have lower tensile strengths and Work Load Limits at elevated temperatures. Continued exposure at elevated levels may melt, part or cause permanent damage. Do not use at temperatures above 180°(F)/82°(C) or below -40°(F)/ -40°(C). Glossy or glazed areas are evidence of heat damage and experience more strength loss than is visibly evident. Fibers adjacent to the heat damaged areas may appear normal, but are not.


Adjustable Rope Slings should be stored in a clean, dry area out of direct sunlight and away from sources of extreme heat. The storage location should also be free of environmental and mechanical damage.


Inspect for flat areas, bumps or lumps, as they can indicate core or internal damage from overloading or shock loading. If these forms of damage are evident replace the sling and do not use damaged slings for any application.


Warning to the users of Adjustable Rope Slings


Absorbed moisture or impurities will dramatically increase the conductivity of the rope.
It is dangerous if personnel are in line with a rope under tension. Rope failure can result in a deadly recoil force. Personnel should never be under a rope sling or suspended load.

Work Load Limits are based on a moderately dynamic lifting or pulling operation. Instantaneous changes (rapid acceleration or sudden stops) constitute hazardous shock loading and Work Load Limits as stated DO NOT APPLY.

Dynamic loading affects ropes with less stretch, to a greater degree, when compared to ropes that have greater elongation properties. Likewise, a shorter rope is more profoundly affected by dynamic loading than a longer rope.

Lift-It® Adjustable Rope Sling capacities are lower than our competitors. The Work Load Limit of four Leg slings is based upon three legs carrying the load. Our conservative approach is respected by conscientious users and appreciated by sophisticated purchasers.

Lifts can be made with any two or three legs of the four leg, Adjustable Rope Sling, if it has a Masterlink or Masterlink with subassembly. If three of the four legs are used, the assembly Work Load Limit must be reduced by 33% and is effectively the same work load as a two leg (double) sling.


Can fail if damaged, misused or overloaded. Inspect before use. Use by untrained personnel is hazardous. Observe and do not exceed Work Load Limits. DEATH and INJURY can occur from improper use or maintenance. Refer to the following for Important Safety, Use and Inspection Information.
